Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Writing IV: Reflecting Pool 3 (§1A, only)

Reflecting Pool 3 (§1A, only)

Please post an individual response to item one, Achieving Satisfaction (Writing IV 2009-10, slide 6), in a single comment on this post.


  1. 3 I have been learning English writing through blogging, and I think a new kind of literacy is good for me, because I can make my essays easily and my classmate can view them every time. And we can also commented each other. Thanks to these comment I can improve my English. And it has also a good point, it becomes an archive, so I can looked for my essays every time.

  2. I was not good at writing long sentence in English before. But, from I started to write my blog, I became to be able to write English long sentence better that before. It is very good thing for me!! So, I thought that writing blog is very acquisition way to improve my writing skill. I will write my blog in English privately.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I think that writing is different of these situations. For example, when to write story for books, technical books, introduce, to write essays, and so on. This semester, I write to blog. That writing is not like books and so on. So I think that to learn writing style of blog, I learned by other blog. Now there are many interesting blog and websites in Internet. When I was in trouble I looked other blog. It was very useful and easy to learn writing.

  5. I achieved personal satisfaction through online writing this semester because I watched many web sites in class. For example, I watched my favorite American comedy drama’s English web site. I had to introduce everyone to the web site’s content. I read my favorite actress’s blog and watched preview. So I could learn many expressions, words and idioms through her web site’s blog. I could acquire many important things through online writing. I read my classmate’s blog. They wrote many sentences in their essays and I read. I could read English sentences fast than before by reading their long essays.

  6. I gave many comments on my friend’s blog, and my friends gave me a comment. For example, my friends wrote what she did on a holiday, I read her blog and I gave a comment ”Good, it looks like fun”. Then My friends gave me a comments “Thank you for a comment. What did you do on a holiday?” We could be good communication with my friends on blog. I wrote many things in English this semester. I wrote about a coming of age celebration, fireworks festival. I learned my learning style by writing many English almost everyday.

  7. My goal was to write a blog more fifteen hundred words in this semester. I could achieve this goal on time. I did do my best to achieve this goal. I did some effort to achieve, for example, I wrote daily every week, and I wrote every event. Then I felt happy because I remember the event by write that thing. When I was finish that, I felt a sense of achievement.

  8. In my opinion, using online that when we study English is so modern and fit running days. Then, using online (blog) can save about our accomplishment, in addition, we can see about classmate’s blog. This thing maybe stimulate for us. In addition, inter net connect with all over the world, so we can get contact to variously nation’s person by using English. Using online, we can get not only English skill but also culture, communication abroad people and so on.

  9. I wrote my life and post it to my blog. And many people read it so some people wrote short comments. I was happy about it. Someone knows my opinion or impression. It’s very pleasure things for me. And I can keep my memory by write post. I can read it after and can remember good memory. I satisfy to write my life. It have my good life’s memory.

  10. I achieved personal satisfaction through online writing this semester I could do all what I wanted to do thanks to computer technology. I could communicate with my friends by exchanging comments. I enjoyed revising my own essays, and I was able to enjoy writing class!

  11. Through this writing class, I was able to learn a lot of things. For example, I thought that to continue some things long time is very important and value for me and to communicate with other person on website is interesting, and so on.
    One of my confidence, to continue doing my blog. I was glad to receive writing class!!!

  12. I think that writing posts online is most fit way to learn English because I could learn English easily. In addition, I could study new words from other classmate’s posts. When I learn them, I feel pleasure. So my best way to learn English is online learning.

  13. I like using PC and trying new things, so using blogger and Mac for learning writing was suit me. Now, I can use Mac, Blog, and Google with almost no problem. Of course I could improve my writing skill too.

  14. I didn’t like to use PC in writing class at spring semester but I have changed my mind in this semester. Because I think I was developed my writing and PC skill than what I used to. PC skill is need to me when I working future so I think that it is good for us to use online at writing class. And blog is to help improve my writing long sentences in English.

  15. My Satisfaction

    By putting comments in other students’ blog, my communicative ability improved. Using PC helped my technical skill to develop. Watching English web sights and other students’ blogs gave me information. I’m sure that own myself developed. However I want to develop myself more, so I don’t satisfied and, I’ll continue training myself!

  16. I am satisfied with writing style in this class. If I don’t use writing online, I think I can’t use blog. So I learn a lot of things from this class. Moreover, I studied many words with ALC. This also because of I used computer. I will use writing online from now on.

  17. I’m satisfied with my learning and writing style, because, I could know many things. For example, I can write long sentences, new words what I had not known, how to post medias, grammar what I mistake, and so on. I think, writing is great new literacy. If I have not learned writing, I had a lot of things what I don’t know. I like posted some pictures with my diary, because it made me enjoy!

  18. I think writing is difficult for me. But I was able to achieve many things in this semester. They are a new kind of literacy and writing online. I learned what is a lecture English on my blog, so I was able to get a new kind of literacy there. It is a computer literacy. I had used the computer frequently. So I was able to learn many things in writing class.

  19. My personal satisfaction has archived through this semester, because I was able to write more than 15000 words on my blog this semester. It is nice for me to be able to do that. And then, I can use a lot of words well, and I can write a lot of sentences now. Therefore, I think that my personal satisfaction has archived.

  20. When I communicate with foreigner, my English get through to them. That is my achieving satisfaction.

  21. I think writing is an art. When I write about a memory, I want to write closely because I do not want to forget my precious memory. If I can write good diary, the memory will be more beautiful when I look back at the writing afterward. I think writing is good for remembering our dairy life that we do not want to forget. I think it is great thing.

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