Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Portfolio for Writing IV (2009-10)

It is the beginning of a new calendar year, and almost the end of the current academic year. I hope you've enjoyed your winter break, 
Now it's time to collect, showcase, select, and reflect upon your writing the past semester. This portfolio template is for you to:
  • Copy with permission, under license from the Writing Studio Blog (License, below);
  • Paste into a new post on your own blog, entitled Portfolio for Writing IV (2009-10) [in Compose mode];
  • Complete with data from, and reflections upon, the body of your writing on your blog for Writing IV; and
  • Publish with the label "portfolios" (plural, without quotation marks).
Your complete portfolio for this semester is due – published and labeled on your blog – by Friday, January 15, 2010 (10:30 a.m. for 1A, and 12:10 p.m. for 1C, JST).

///// Beginning of template: Copy from "End ..." (below) to here. /////
Student ID: vwxyz
[Please replace "vwxyz" (above) with
the last five digits of your student number
(without quotation marks). Then delete these remarks.]

Portfolio for Writing IV, Section 1A OR 1C
[Please delete the unsuitable class section and the word "OR" (above), along with this line of remarks.]
(See: Note 1, below)


Reviews, Posts, Words, and More

(See: Note 2, below.)
[Please embed your proto-portfolios here {in HMTL editing mode}; then remove this line of remarks, including the square brackets.]


(See: Note 3, below.)
Please complete this table with data gathered from essays on your blog. See the Key (below) for definitions of the symbols in row one, and complete columns four through nine with numerical values (0, 1, 2, 3, ...).
1.1. Showcase
Short titles with links to blog posts

2-01a (2009.10.07)

2-01b (2009.10.21)


2-02a (2009.11.04)

2-02b (2009.11.18)


2-03a (2009.12.02)

2-03b (2009.12.18/22)



¶: number of paragraphs five (5) or more sentences in length
W: number of words
C: number of comments
L: number of links
P: number of photos or other graphics
M: number of other media included in post

1.2. Most Improved Essay

(See: Note 4, below.)

Selection and Assessment: Which of the three essays that you've written and revised this semester shows the most improvement? What did you do to improve it? Remember that complete answers are better than short answers, focus on your writing (accuracy, appropriacy, content and organization, rather than graphics or other media), and explain at least two major improvements.
  • [Please remove these remarks, including the square brackets, then identify your most improved essay, and explain ways that you improved it here.]


Short titles of posts with links
Dates of comments yyyy.mm.dd
Numbers of words in comments
Qualities of comments**
2.1. Your first comment on your instructor's blog*

2.2. Your best comment on a classmate's blog*

2.3. Best comment by a classmate on your blog*

2.4. Most comments on:
Short titles of posts with link
Dates of posts yyyy.mm.dd
Total number of words in comments
Qualities of comments**
2.4.1. Any one of your essays* When did you respond to those comments?

--- How did you respond to those comments?

2.4.2. Any of your other posts* When did you respond to those comments?

--- How did you respond to those comments?

Current semester comments on essays and other posts
** Please list the most important qualities of comments on each type of blog post. That is, explain briefly what makes comments good.

2.5. Recent comments display

Does your blog display recent comments from blog visitors in a prominent location, for example, in a sidebar, header, or footer widget? Where, or why not? Please explain.
  • ...

2.6. Additional reflections on comments

  • [Please remove these remarks, including the square brackets; then write out your reflections on both giving and receiving comments here.]
  • ....


3.1. Showcase
Short titles with links
Dates: yyyy.mm.dd
BR 2-01

BR 2-02

BR 2-03

BR 2-04

BR 2-05

BR 2-06

BR 2-07

BR 2-08

BR 2-09

BR 2-10

BR 2-11

BR 2-12

BR 2-13

BR 2-14

BR 2-15

BR 2-16

BR 2-17

BR 2-18


Note: Please calculate and list book review Totals for words and comments without including those from the example (above).

3.2. Best Book Review

Selection and Assessment: Which of those book reviews do you feel is the best that you've written this semester, and why? Remember that a complete answer is better than a short answer, focus on your writing, and give at least two reasons to support your assessment.
  • [Please remove these remarks, including the square brackets; then identify your best book review, and write out reasons for selecting it here.] 


4.1. Does your blog display an archive?

4.1.1. Does the archive display the titles of posts?

4.1.2. Is the archive organized by month?

4.1.3. Is the archive at or near the top of the sidebar?

4.2. Does your blog display a cloud or list of labels in the sidebar?

4.2.1. Do your labels include these required labels (typed accurately):
  • "books" (plural) AND "reviews" (plural)

  • "essays" (plural) AND "portfolios" (plural, without "proto-")

  • "quickposts" (plural, with no space between quick and posts)

  • "links" (plural) AND "media" (plural)

  • "movies" (plural) AND "websites" (plural)

  • "brainstorms" (or "brainstorming"), "essay prep.," AND "free-writing" (or "free-writes")

4.2.2. Does your sidebar display other labels?

  • How many other labels have you attached to three (3) or more posts?

    • ___ other labels attached to three or more posts

    • Which labels, and to how many posts each? Please list those labels instead of www, xxx, yyy..., and list numbers of posts instead of n, m, o... (in parentheses), below.

      • www (n)
      • xxx (m)
      • yyy (o)
      • zzz (p)
      • ...
4.3. Links and media
4.3.1. Do your blog posts this semester include photos or other graphics?

  • Does your blog profile include a photo or graphic representation?

  • How many of your blog posts this semester include photos or other graphics?

    • ___ posts including photos or other graphics

4.3.2. Does your blog include posts with multiple links?

  • How many of your posts this semester include three (3) or more links?

    • ___ posts including three or more links (including this portfolio!)

4.3.3. Does your blog include other media?

  • How many of your blog posts this semester include other media?

    • ___ posts including other media

  • What kind(-s) of media have you included in posts this semester? Please list the kinds here:

    1. ...
    2. ...
    3. ...


  • What media content that you originally produced, if any, do your blog posts for this semester contain? Please list and explain each item briefly, and add short links and dates (yyyy.mm.dd) for reference.

    1. ... (short link, date)
    2. ... (short link, date)
    3. ... (short link, date)



4.4. Overall presentation

What have you done to enhance the overall presentation and readability of your blog? List and explain the three most important content, display, formatting, layout, or other presentation changes that you have made on your blog this semester.
  1. ...
  2. ...
  3. ...


Please feel free to include reflections on both class work and homework, as well as on the content of this portfolio (proto-portfolios, showcases, selections, and reflections).
  • ...
  • ...
  • ...


  • ...
  • ...
  • ...

  1. This portfolio template derives from Writing Studio Blog templates for Writing IIIc and Writing IVc (2007-08), Writing III, §§1a & 1c,  Writing IV: Portfolio, §§1a & 1c (2008-09), and the July 7, 2009, Portfolio for Writing III.
  2. Please use the same code in section 0.0 that you used to embed your proto-portfolios (PPFs) in the footer of your blog, which you should already have revised to display your 2nd (fall) semester PPF first.
  3. The essays section (1.0. Essays, above) derived from Proto-Portfolio 2-02 (2008).
  4. The essay selection and explanation item (§1.2, above) differs from that in the July 7, 2009, Portfolio for Writing III. Please read the new item carefully before making a selection.
This portfolio template is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
Please attribute to "the Writing Studio Blog, 2010.01.05" (with link, but without quotation marks).

Creative Commons License

///// End of template: Copy from here to "Beginning ..." (above) /////

[approx. 30 new words in wrapper and template {2010.01.05}]


  1. If you have concerns or questions about how to use the new template for Writing IV portfolios, please post them in comments on this post.

  2. Replying to a message the Writing Studio Calendar sent Jan 5 (Invitation: Portfolios due @ 2010-01-15 9am - 12:10pm), a student who'd been absent on Jan 6 wrote:

    good evening. I read mail. Sorry why i must do ? Onli me???? (Jan 8, 2010, at 01:39am)

    Here is my response:

    Thank you for writing. As always, it is important to check your mail frequently, especially when classes are in session.

    If you mean to ask what you must do, you need to:

    1) Read the TUESDAY, JANUARY 5, 2010, Writing Studio Blog post carefully and completely;

    2) Copy the portfolio template from that post into a new post on your blog, open in Compose view, with the title "Portfolio for Writing IV (2009-10)";

    3) Label your new portfolio post, "portfolios" (plural, without quotation marks);

    4) Embed your Proto-Portfolios in § 0.0 of your new post, open in HTML view; ask a classmate or peer who attended class on Jan 7 to help you, if necessary;

    5) Begin to complete the rest your portfolio post right away.

    That is the final assignment for everyone in Writing IV, §§ 1A and 1C. It is due before the end of the make-up class meetings on Jan 15.

    If you mean to ask whether only you got the invitation to the make-up class on Jan 15. The answer is no. The 1A class meeting begins at 9am, and the 1C class, at 10:40am. I expect everyone to attend.

    If you have any more questions about make-up classes or the portfolio assignment due on Jan 15, please publish them in follow-up comments on this post. You also should choose the option to get follow-up comments by mail, or check here frequently for replies before each of the last two class meetings on Jan 13 and 15.


  3. For the benefit of a student who had missed classes for the past two weeks, I estimated the time necessary to complete a fall semester portfolio AFTER having completed her/his proto-portfolio update for Dec. 2009 (homework, 2009.12.16). Here is how I came up with an estimate:

    In class (Jan. 6, 13, & 15)

    3 * 1.5 hours = a

    Outside of class (Jan. 6-15)

    2 * in_class hours = b


    In class + outside of class (a+b)

    Do the math! ;-)

    Though that estimate may be high, I urge you all to devote the time necessary to complete and revise your final portfolio presentations.


  4. There is a follow-up post, instead of another comment, here:

    Friday, January 15, 2010
    Yes, everyone, today is the day!


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