Tuesday, May 1, 2007

May Day or "Mayday!" - What's the difference?

If you've taken a close look at the words in the title of this quick post, you may be wondering what the differences are. That is, besides capitalization and punctuation (including spacing between words). Similarities in English spelling may lead to confusion regarding the meanings.

Those two expressions have different connotations in English as an international language. The first, May Day, is a holiday celebrated today (May 1, 2007) in many countries around the world. It is also known as the International Workers' Day.

The second, "Mayday!" - usually repeated three times, is a call for help which doesn't have anything to do with the holiday, May Day. "Mayday!" comes from a French expression meaning help me, spelled quite differently, and gets used when boats and planes are in trouble (Wikipedia, Mayday).

1 comment:

  1. I believed that these words are same, but I knew holiday's name and a message we must say when we had trables in dangerous condition.
    I hope that the day when I have to say the word don't come.


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