Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Additional Proto-Portfolio Items

For fall semester this year (2008-09), I'd like you to add two additional items to your proto-portfolio listings:
  1. Original audio (line 14), and
  2. Original video (line 15).
After you add those two new rows, below "posts with media" (line 13), please extend the calculated totals column from line 13 to line 15 (column H).
[56 words]

1 comment:

  1. When I made this quickpost, I omitted an explanation of why I used the label "labels" on this it. I added that label because items listed in column one of proto-portfolios include one-word labels that I recommend for use on your blogs:

    movies, and

    If you label posts accurately with those individual labels, they will enable you to find posts that you can include in tallies for your proto-portfolios. Furthermore, if you apply two new labels, "audio" and "video", only to posts containing your own (original) audio and video productions, these new labels will enable you to find and count suitable posts quickly for monthly tallies.


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