Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Comment collection continues, guidelines included!

Here are two tables full of comments: The first includes comments especially for students in section 1A; the second, especially for students in section 1C. Comments on recent posts are toward the top of each table; those on older posts are toward the bottom. Timestamps on comments are from previews, so they may differ somewhat from those in comments on actual posts. Guidelines in the right hand column are for everyone.

Section 1A

pab said...
Hi Sayaka, In your May 27 post about the first class (in early April), you wrote that you didn't know how to do typing homework. That's quite puzzling. How and when did you find out how to do it? Where were the information and instructions you needed to get started, and when did you get them? Please let us know. Cheers, PB May 29, 2011 9:29 PM
Using meta-cognitive strategies: know how and reflection

pab said...
Hi Yuka [S.], It is interesting to read about your other classes. However, it might be better if you'd shorten the name of the teacher you're writing about to Ms. S. Cheers, PB May 29, 2011 7:40 PM
Masking personal info.

pab said...
Same here, Yuka. Please shorten the name of the teacher you're writing about to Mr. B. Cheers, PB May 29, 2011 7:43 PM
Masking personal info.

pab さんは書きました...
Sorry, Ayayah, but how can you recommend a book without telling us what it is? Please put a short title in the title of your post, and add an APA-style reference citation to the end of your post. Cheers, PB 201152919:51
Including APA-style references

pab さんは書きました...
Hello Kazu, Is this review entirely original? Did you close the book when your wrote this review? You should tell readers, in your own words: + why you chose this book, + whether you found it interesting, and why, and + to whom you recommend it, and why. The only part of your review that should come directly from the story is a short, juicy, quotation, a teaser at the very beginning of your post. The quotation needs to be absolutely accurate, enclosed in quotation marks, and followed by a page number in parentheses. You shouldn't retell the story, or spoil the ending for other students who might read it. Cheers, PB 201152920:06
Keeping BRs original, short, sweet, and to the point

pab さんは書きました...
PS: Will you please bring this book to class on Wed., June 1? Cheers, PB 201152920:08
Keeping BRs original, short, sweet, and to the point; and
Including APA-style references

pab さんは書きました...
Hello again, haramicky, Will you please also shorten the name of the high school and univ. you mention to "H... high school" and "K... G... U..."? Cheers, PB 201152921:18
Masking institutional names

Section 1C

pab さんは書きました...
Hi Sakurako, Have you read the details for either of these two essays on the Writing Studio Blog Calendar? Essay 1-02a: University Life Mon, May 16, 4pm – 5pm Essay 1-02b: University Life – major revisions Tue, May 31, 4pm – 5pm Please (re-)read them. The first called for an essay five+ paragraphs and 350+ words in length (due May 16); the second calls for six+ paragraphs and 400+ words (due May 31). Cheers, PB 201152911:43
Referring to course resources (blog, calendar, wiki, and online workbooks[Google spreadsheets])

pab さんは書きました...
Hello Saori, Will you please shorten the proper names in this essay to: KGU, HGHS, and Ms. M., ASAP? Then please avoid spelling out proper names in posts and comments. That is, except for names of famous people, for ex., Tom Cruise, and authors' names in book reviews. Last but not least, please share what you learn from comments like this with your classmates and peers. Cheers, PB 201152911:51
Minimizing institutional names, and
Minimizing personal information

pab さんは書きました...
Mitsuki, Please bring all three of these books to class on Wed., June 1: ///// BR 1-06: The New House from Mitsuki U by Mitsuki ... Oxford University Press 1986. Written by roderick Hunt, Alex Brychta ///// BR 1-05: By the Stream from Mitsuki U by Mitsuki … Oxford University Press 1986. Written by roderick Hunt, Alex Brychta ///// BR 1-04: The Dream from Mitsuki U by Mitsuki … Oxford University Press 1986. Written by roderick Hunt, Alex Brychta ///// Cheers, PB 2011529日日曜日11:58:41 JST
Including accurate, APA-style references

pab さんは書きました...
Hello Arisa, Will you please replace the proper names in this essay with: "... [KGU]" (intro.) "... [an academic high school in Kumamoto City]" (intro.), and "... [KGU]" (concl.), ASAP? Then please avoid spelling out proper names in posts and comments. That is, except for names of famous people, for ex., Tom Cruise, and authors' names in book reviews. Last but not least, please share what you learn from comments like this with your classmates and peers. Cheers, PB 2011529日日曜日12:08:24 JST
Minimizing institutional names, and
Minimizing personal information

pab さんは書きました...
Hi Yuka, When you use the label "typing" on posts like this, there is no need to include the word "Typing" in the titles. "How [to] study English" will work fine for this post, which also needs a couple more labels such as: memorizing, studying, vocabulary, ... (your choices). Please share what you learn from this comment with your classmates and peers. Cheers, PB 201152912:19
Creating accurate, attractive, descriptive post titles, and
Labeling posts appropriately, with three or more labels

pab さんは書きました...
[Mitsuki:] Please bring this book to class on Wed., June 1, too. 2011529日日曜日12:24:53 JST
Keeping BRs original, and
Including accurate, APA-style references

pab さんは書きました...
Yuka, Would you please mask or remove personally identifying info. from this post. "Shoko" is fine, but her date of birth and the name of the high school she attended are too much info. Instead, how about: "She was born in ... [the early 90's. Her birthday is in November {like mine!}].... She ... [went to an academic] high school [in the city]." Next, please replace the label "essays" (reserved for formal writing assignments) with three others more suitable to this post, such as: exercise, friends, interests, ... (your choices). Then please do likewise for other posts and comments you make (or have made), and share what you learn from comments like this with your classmates and peers. Cheers, PB 201152912:40
Minimizing personal information, and
Labeling posts appropriately, with three or more labels
Hi Gaki,

What's this post about?

It's missing spaces between numbers and words, both in the title and in the body of the post.

Though one suitable label would be "quickposts," there's not enough content to tell [what other labels might be suitable], or even [to] count it as a post, is there?

Please let me know.

Cheers, PB

Creating accurate, attractive, descriptive post titles;
Creating enough content to merit a post; and
Labeling posts appropriately, with three or more labels

pab さんのコメント...
Hi Emi, It is a pleasure to see you've gotten a start on your book reviews. However, I'm wondering: Is the content of this book review entirely original? That is, is it all your own ideas, in your own words? Rather than to retell stories, and spoil the endings for other readers, you should focus on what you thought and felt before, during, and after reading the books you review. That is, except for the juicy quotation at the beginning, you should write no more than you can remember with the book closed. Cheers, PB
2011523日月曜日8:41:00 JST 
Eri さんのコメント...
Thank you for your comment.
I'll rewrite it.

2011523日月曜日12:34:00 JST
pab さんは書きました...

Will you please bring this book to class on Wed., June 1?

Cheers, PB

2011529日日曜日13:07:27 JST

pab さんは書きました...

Thanks for rewriting this book review! Please make certain to reflect the new word count in your Proto-Porfolio entries for May [due June 1].

Cheers, PB

2011531日火曜日11:03:53 JST
Keeping BRs original, short, sweet, and to the point;
Following up on comments in a timely fashion;
Including word counts (but not running totals) in posts

[1493 words]

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