Another favorite story with animals!
"'EEEEEOWWWFFTZ!' said Scarface Claw" (n.p.).
Hairy Maclary is an animal adventure story from New Zealand (NZ). It was a gift from a friend from . . . , you guessed it–NZ! It's a great story for pronunciation practice because of all of the rhymes. My favorite line from the book, the quotation above (no page numbers), is a bit of a challenge to pronounce. Can you say that big word, and make it sound like a . . . (a four-footed animal)?
Dodd, Lynley. (1983). Harry Maclary from Donaldson's Dairy. Wellington, NZ: Mallinson Rendel Publishers Ltd.
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Please note that we are working with modified APA-style book references. These have authors' given names spelled out, and book titles in title case.