Comments about what we did are more than welcome on this quick post.
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As you draft and revise your movie review essays, please make certain that:
0. Your essays are original work. Please note that this prohibits both copying and machine translation. However, using ideas that you and your classmates shared during collective free-writing sessions today is okay.
- You cover all of the main points in the working outline [displayed below], including: characters, story, themes, and lasting impressions. Please note that you need not follow the working outline exactly.
- You express your ideas in complete sentences, composed into paragraphs, arranged in an organized fashion that suits your own ideas about the movie. This requires at least one paragraph for each main point. Please note that, depending upon your primary focus:
- Paragraphs about characters may include bits of the story (in order of occurrence);
- Paragraphs about the story may introduce the characters (in order of appearance); and
- Paragraphs about themes may include either notes about characters or summaries of episodes and events in the story (in order of importance to development of themes).
- You include a paragraph (two or more sentences) at the beginning of the review explaining the purpose and introducing the main points that you will cover in your movie review. You may also include as similar paragraph at the end, if you feel a summary of the main points that you have covered will help readers get a clear idea of what you think about the movie.
- You check your final draft movie review essay in Word for spelling, punctuation, and grammar faults, and correct those faults BEFORE you post your essay on your blog.
- You have a classmate, friend, or peer read your essay on your blog AFTER you post it, to make sure your essay is clearly written, and easy to read and understand. Please note and follow all suggestions that they make for improving your essay, or the presentation of it on your blog.
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Hello, everyone in Writing III-1a and III-1c, I hope you are outdoors enjoying this fine weekend!If you have questions about this movie review assignment, please share them (and answer them for one another) in comments on this post.
This message is an important one, so please let you[r] classmates know that it's in their gmail queues as soon as you've finished reading it. It has to do with the next essay assignment, which is due about a week from today (Course Calendar). There are three plus one things that I'd like you to realize right away.
0. The movie that everyone in Writing III-1a and -1c is to review for the next essay assignment is Shrek (see follow-up comments on the Writing Studio Blog, ... [We are] doing Shrek!, Thursday, April 24, 2008).
1. You do not need to start writing your review of the movie Shrek until next Wednesday, in class. As a matter of fact, you should not start writing a review until we plan (outline) the essay together on April 30, 2008. If you feel an uncontrollable desire to write on your blog between now and then, which you should (;-), please blog about anything other than Shrek.
2. To get ready for writing a review, you must watch the movie (again, if you've seen it before) BEFORE class next Wednesday, because we will not watch the movie in class. It is a very good idea to watch it with classmates and friends, with the English soundtrack and English subtitles switched on.
3. Talk about the movie (see item 1, above) with as many people as you can BEFORE we meet on Wednesday. The more people with whom you talk about Shrek, and the more English that you use while you are doing so, the better.
I plan not to send any more gmail messages like this, so please get in the habit of browsing the Writing Studio Blog and Wiki several times a week, and checking for new posts, comments, and updates. See you on Wednesday, if not online before!
Cheers, ... [signature removed, PB]
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