Friday, May 20, 2011

Comments for everyone to read and heed!

This post consists of a collection of comments that I've posted in one section (1A), many of which are awaiting approval for publication on your blogs. I'd like to ask you to [publish those on your own blogs,] read them all through, and follow the advice, reminders, and suggestions that they contain – in all posts and commentary. 

The labels ... [at the foot of] this post will be a good place to start, because they can give you a general idea about the various foci in the comments [that] I'm listing here for everyone's benefit. [Comments on older posts are closer to the end of the list.]

Thanks in advance for your continuing cooperation.

Hello, Kazu. Would you please shorten the name of the university to KGU, and add blank lines between paragraphs to make it easy to see where they begin and end? Cheers, PB [2011.05.20: Spell-check, too!]
haramicky, would you please shorten Misaki's name in your post to simply Misaki, or Misaki K., and then avoid revealing that much personal information in all future posts and comments? Cheers, PB
matsuyuki, would you please shorten the first line in your second paragraph to "I live in K... [, a] city ... [that] is far from this univercity," and then correct the spelling of the word university, throughout your post? Cheers, PB
Hi Miyuki,

Thanks for keeping your blog display in English!

Now would you please shorten the name of the university to KGU, and add blank lines between paragraphs to make it easy to see where they begin and end?

Cheers, PB
May 20, 2011

Would you please shorten the professor's name in your essay to something like "Prof. H. H.," and then _avoid_ using students' and teachers' full names in either comments or posts?

I'd also like you to _delete_ the first two comments that you got (May 16 and 18, above) for the sake of preserving privacy, too. I'll replicate those comments below, with names shortened for you, so the gist of them will still appear after you delete the original comments that included full names.

matsuyuki さんのコメント...
H.... H.... is nice~ ^^

ca☆pi さんのコメント...
I like H... H... ♡haha

Last but not least, please share what you learn from this comment with your classmates and peers.

Cheers, PB
Hi Momo,

Thanks for marking this with the "typing" label. You could also use a few other labels such as "home, holidays, [and] quickposts."

However, it would be better to shorten the second sentence in this quickpost to, "My hometown is ... in Nagasaki," so as not to reveal to much personal info.

Cheers, PB
Hi poker face,

I appreciate your labeling this post "typing." Other suitable labels for this post may include "food" and "habits."

However, don't you think something like "Food and Eating Habits" would be a more attractive and informative title than "Typing homework 5"? The same goes for your other typing trial posts.

Cheers, PB

Would you please shorten the _all_ instances of the name of the university to "K...[GU]"?

Cheers, PB
Hi Eimi,

Thanks for responding to your classmates comments so quickly.

Now would you please enter blank lines between the paragraphs of your essay, to make it easy to see where they begin and end?

You also should make clear in the introductory paragraph who your intended or target audience is, rather than in a supplementary remark after the end of your essay.

Cheers, PB
Maki, this is neither one of your "essays," nor one of your "drafts." If anything, you should label it "essay prep., [and] quickposts." Cheers, PB
Mina, if you post your typing trials separately, you'll get a higher number of posts, if not words, for your Proto-Portfolios! Cheers, PB


ブログ Kazumi blog 内のお探しのページは存在しません。"
[Thanks for removing this post with no content. PB, 2011.05.20]
Hi Matsuyuki,

Belated congratulations on your birthday!

Now would you please shorten the first line of this post to, "[In] April ..., I became 20 years old!"? If you're not certain why, please ask in class.

Cheers, PB
Hey, haramicky!

The quotation at the head of this post isn't from Burnett (2005), is it? If it isn't, it should be.

The BR number probably ought to be 1-01, too.

Cheers, PB
Hey, kazu!

That's a pretty long BR!

Did you remember all those details after you closed the book, and write it up ln your own words?

There is no need for you to re-tell stories. In fact, you shouldn't; we just want to hear what you think about them.

I'd also like to see page numbers in parentheses ... right after the juicy quotations at the head of your BRs, which you must type exactly as in the books.

Cheers, PB

Would you please shorten your name to "Aya T...," and mine to "Mr. B..." in this post, then avoid spelling out any family names in posts or comments – except those of authors in your book reviews?

Cheers, PB
Hi Momo,

I have a favor to ask. Actually it's more of a reminder of what Mr. T. wrote when he sent you your placement essay to post on your blog, and what I've told you in class.

In the introductory paragraph of this essay, would you please shorten your name to "Maki T...," and the university's name to "... [KGU]"? Then please remember not to use any family names in either comments or posts. That is, except authors' family names in reference citations for book reviews.

Cheers, PB
Hi Mina,

This is just a quick note to remind you not to use family names in posts or comments – except for authors' names in book reviews. Please shorten yours to "Mina T..." here.

Cheers, PB
Hi Chihiro,

I appreciate all of the details you've included in this post. Yet it would be nice if you gave it a catchy, informative title.

It would also be better, in general, not to mention employers or schools by name. So would you please replace what you have in the second paragraph with the following?

My father works at ... [a very large] company, and he loves his work, so he goes to work even on holidays. My mother works at an insurance company, and she distributes handbills everyday. My brother is a ... high school student [at a large public high school], ...

Cheers, PB
Hello again,

Thanks for shortening your name in this post. It also would be a good idea to change your hometown to "Y... [C]ity," and to leave the date off your birthday.

Cheers, Paul

[1224 words]

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