Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Writing IV, 2010-11: Reflecting Pool 5 – §1C only

Writing IV, 2010-11: Reflecting Pool 5 – 
§1C only

Please post an individual response to item two, Facing Challenges (Writing IV, 2010-11: §§ 1A and 1C, slide 6), in a single comment on this post.
[26 words]


  1. My challenges in this blog was try to understanding easily for readers.
    I wrote about FC Barcelona's game. But, I don't satisfied with typing long sentences.

    I thought I must type easily reading sentences for readers. So, I explained Barcelona's player's positions and the player's full name. For example. If I want to write about "Messi", I typed " FC Barcelona's forward, Lionel Messi". That's how I typed about FC Barcelona's player.

    I tried to type easily reading sentences. But, I feel it is hard to do for me. But, I also feel I'm glad I could type about my favorite soccer team's player.

  2. I tried to write typing homework, book reviews and essays deliberately in this semester, but some of them were late a little. In this semester, counts of book reviews and typing homework increased more than 1st semester. I also tried to write my idea a lot on my book reviews. As I didn’t write my ideas so much, I thought that I do my best in 2nd semester. I think that I could write my ideas more than 1st semester.

    Also, I wanted to enjoy my blog to readers, so I tried to write intelligible essays, diary and so on to readers, and I post many pictures to be able to enjoy to readers.

  3. I challenged that I endeavourded to write quickly and right. I have to write about typing homework. I have to write it very quickly and right. I was not good at typing, but I could type faster than before. So I want to type faster.

  4. I had some challenge in writing this semester. My major challenge is diary. I wrote about what happened my summer vacation in America in my diary. I think that this is very good challenge because I don’t forget my important memory and what I did in America.

  5. Last semester I didn’t reach 10,000 words. I think it is very bad thing so I challenged to post some diary on my blog. Most of it advertisement of my circle’s concert but thanks for it I can reach 10,000 words! And I tried to write my opinion in my post. For example, I didn’t quote from books in my book review. If I to do it I can get some words and it is easy to reach 120 words but I didn’t to do so, because I want to post my opinion in my writing class. So I enjoy my writing essay.
    Also, I try any number of times to post my typing homework because it has to writing within five minutes. But this homework topic very easy to write my opinion, so if finish five minutes before I finished writing my opinion, I start over again. As you can see, I challenged to write my opinion in my post!

  6. This semester I faced challenge to type over 15000 words. It was hard for me to type 10000 words last semester. So I typed about 4000 words during summer vacation. School started, I didn’t have time to type because of many assignments. I wanted to give up to does it, but to type 15000 words is my goal, so I wrote about many things. Finally, I could type 15000 words before. I could accomplish my goal. I felt achievement the time.

  7. Facing challenges in fall semester are when I don’t know how to say something in English. I consulted my dictionary and did a search on the Internet whenever I faced such a problem.
    Another challenges are typing homework. At first, I couldn’t type when I did weekly typing homework, but the more I did the homework, the faster I became to type.

  8. Second, I’ll talk about my facing challenges. In this semester, all things were challenge for me. However, I think that the most my major challenge is typing homework. We have to write about 1 title in 5 min.

    In this semester, we have to 120 words in 5 min. This thing was very hard for me and I couldn’t write 120 words first. It was very hard for me and this homework took a lot of time because we have to try many times until we can write 120 words in 5 min. However, I want to type more quickly and I believe that if I’m able to finish this work, I can type more quickly. It was the fight with own and I win this fight! I could response to my challenge.

  9. I tried to write as native English speaker. Although it was hard to write naturally. On book reviews I tried to write how the book that I read was interesting to the reader.

  10. I wrote lots of kind of sentences on my blog. My favorite series was free writing, ‘A Memory of Touring’. My hobby is going out by my motorcycle. In this series, I wrote about my touring with photographs I took. I made tag of ‘motorcycle’, and there are many sentences that belong to this tag. It is the result of writing sentences I want to. When I wrote these sentences, I look back on them with nostalgia. I have many other memories of touring. I wanted to write them, but I didn’t have enough time…

  11. I challenged writing as much as I can than spring semester. Essays and Book reviews were difficult for me, because I had to write them longer than spring semester. Then I tried to write much and faster. I often use my electric dictionary in spring semester, so I cared about using dictionary too much.

  12. I always feel difficult to tell my idea to someone even Japanese, so it is hard to me to write my ideas in English. However, I try to tell my idea and opinion to readers, and I have come to see the sense of learning English. Therefore, I came be able to tell my opinion easer.

  13. I think to learn English is very hard because I faced a lot of problem in this semester. First, I often made mistakes on the CMC technology. I didn’t understand English grammar so I made mistakes so I used dictionary or computer and I corrected mistakes. Second, I couldn’t write in English about that I want to write. I was sad and disappointed so I used dictionary and books. Books taught me about a lot of things. I want to write in English about to I feel and I think so I should study English more.

  14. I challenged to insert the many pictures. Because, I hope to became easy to see for everyone my blogg. So I did to insert many pictures. Maybe my contributions are with pictures.

  15. I’ve faced a lot of challenges. For example, it was essay. I hadn’t written long writing. But in this class, students must write long essay. I could write about my favorite things quickly, but I couldn’t write about learning experience quickly. Learning experience essay is so hard for me. So I wrote about it in particularity. Writing in detail, easy to understand for another people.

  16. This semester, I wrote some essays. I was not good at writing long sentences fast in English. When I faced the problem, I was effort to think in English in daily life. And I really thought out line helped me. To use in English everyday is pretty good, because we can make gradual progresses.

  17. I am not good at writing words in English. So, I have faced challenges in writing class. Writing essays were most difficult things in writing class. But gradually I could write long essay. I think continual efforts are very important. When I could write long essay, gradually I became like writing blog.

  18. I had challenged in this second semester, first I I memorize English at once, because I have not know English vocabulary. I effort understand the meaning of English sentence and English-language word processor.

  19. My facing challenge in fall semester is writing long sentences as long as possible. For writing long semester, I learned words and good sing of grammar because I could longer sentences than the spring semester.

  20. There are some things that I make an effort in this semester. The one things is typing home work. I have done my typing homework since summer vacation. I can’t do my typing homework on my way to this semester. But, I never give up and I complete my typing homework. Two things is I watch CNN news when I was free. I think that to writing good sentence, should know a lot of things. Therefore, I make sure I touch natural English in the course of my everyday life. For example, to watch English news paper and to see a movie with English subtitle.

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